The Financial Advisor You Can Trust
Non-Discretionary PortfolioDiscretionary Portfolio
Retaining your personal investment decision with support from our specialized research team & appointed fund managers.Enjoying peace of mind, leaving active investment decision to our experienced investment manager.


Advisory Platform
With an advisory platform, financial advisors will arm you with all the necessary financial information you need to help you make sound investment decisions. You decide on the financial product you want and pay only for product and transaction costs. This helps discerning investors like you to save on investment costs.

The advisory platform is supported by an ‘open architecture’, a business model that ensures you have access to the best funds available in the market. By adopting this concept, you will not only have access to proprietary solutions or in-house investment products, but also to a wide range of investments in the global market.

This structure has been designed to ensure we have dedicated product specialists in each investment area to help you maximize your returns.

The range of investment asset classes we offer include equities, bonds, commodities, futures & alternative investments such as REITs, currencies, derivatives & structured products. Our investment platform includes Local, Developed, Emerging & Frontier markets. We also offer custody & estate planning to complement our advisory platform


Discretionary Platform
Discretionary platform is a fee-based account whereby investments are managed by our fund managers. The discretionary platform works by targeting higher returns through buying securities with high dividends and growth at low valuation. At the same time, the high dividends will also help mitigate against market downside risk.

We use rigorous quantitative research and risk management techniques to screen investments in companies with high gearing, volatile share prices, short track record and low liquidity.

As part of our value added services, we aim to give you more by providing investment and market research reports. We have also invited global financial experts to share current industry knowledge via talks and seminars.
Products & Services
Investment Advisory

Portfolio Management & Investment Solutions

Fund Management

Discretionary Portfolio, Exchange Traded Fund & Unit Trusts

Equities, Bonds & Structured Products

Treasury & Derivative, Money Market, Bond, Dual Currency Investment, Equity Linked Notes & Other Securities

Liquidity Management

Short-term money market solutions

Secured Financing Facility

Credit facility for Investment purpose.

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