
AmBank Group wins Outstanding Contribution to JomPAY and MyDebit awards for the third consecutive year

26 August 2019

Datuk Iswaraan Suppiah, Group Chief Operations Officer, AmBank Group (2nd from left) receiving the award from Encik Adnan Zaylani Mohamad Zahid, Assistant Governor, Bank Negara Malaysia (2nd from right) at the Malaysian e-Payments Excellence Awards (MEEA) which was held on 31 July 2019. Looking on are Datuk Ahmad Hizzad Baharuddin, Chairman, PayNet (far left) and Mr Peter Schiesser, Group Chief Executive Officer, PayNet (far right).

KUALA LUMPUR – AmBank Group won two awards at the Malaysian e-Payments Excellence Awards (MEEA) held in Kuala Lumpur on 31 July 2019. The MEEA is an annual event that recognises the outstanding achievements of banks, businesses and government agencies that have contributed significantly towards excellence, innovation and growth in electronic payments in Malaysia.

AmBank Group was honoured with the awards for:

  • Outstanding Contribution to JomPAY – third consecutive year
  • Outstanding Contribution to MyDebit – third consecutive year

Encik Adnan Zaylani Mohamad Zahid, Assistant Governor, Bank Negara Malaysia presented the awards to Datuk Iswaraan Suppiah, Group Chief Operations Officer, AmBank Group.

“We are very pleased to receive the Outstanding Contribution to JomPAY and MyDebit awards for the third consecutive year. This achievement is indeed an honour as it further demonstrates our commitment and efforts in encouraging our customers and partners to utilise JomPAY as an accessible bill payment eco-system, besides the utilisation of debit cards as an alternative to cash. We at AmBank are committed in accelerating the growth of cashless payments in the country,” said Dato’ Sulaiman Mohd Tahir, Group Chief Executive Officer, AmBank Group.

MEEA is organised by Payments Network Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PayNet), Malaysia's premier payments network and central infrastructure for financial markets.

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