AmInvestment Bank Berhad

Board of Directors

Total number of meetings convened by the Board for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 was 8 meetings

Mr Jeyaratnam A/L Tamotharam Pillai

Independent Non-Execu​tive Chairman


Mr Lum Sing Fai

Non-Independent Non-Execu​tive Director


Mr Ramesh Pillai

Independent Non-Execu​tive Director


Ms Chee Li Har

Independent Non-Execu​tive Director


Dato' Kong Sooi ​Lin

Independent Non-Execu​tive Director


Datin Hayati Aman Binti Hashim

Independent Non-Execu​tive Director


Risk Management Commitee

Total number of meetings convened by the Committee for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 was 7 meetings

Mr Ramesh Pillai

Committee Chairman, Independent Non-Execu​tive Director


Ms Chee Li Har

Independent Non-Execu​tive Director


Dato' Kong Sooi ​Lin

Independent Non-Execu​tive Director


Audit and Examination Committee

Total number of meetings convened by the Committee for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 was 8 meetings

Datin Hayati Aman Binti Hashim

Committee Chairman, Independent Non-Execu​tive Director


Ms Chee Li Har

Independent Non-Execu​tive Director


Mr Lum Sing Fai

Non-Independent Non-Execu​tive Director