
AmBank Welcomes Kick Off of URUS

23 November 2021

AmBank continues to be at the ready to help customers in need navigate their financial challenges, be it individual customers, microenterprises or Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

“Over these past close to two years, we have prioritised the needs of our customers in navigating the challenges of the pandemic. As at October 2021, we have extended approximately RM31 billion in repayment assistance for loans and financing and have approved close to 100% of these applications. These are still challenging times and we are pleased to continue offering assistance through the Financial Management and Resilience Programme (URUS). URUS provides a targeted scheme that rightly benefits B50 customers in need with their repayment obligations,” said Dato’ Sulaiman Mohd Tahir, Group Chief Executive Officer, AmBank Group.

URUS offers a three-month exemption on interest, and / or reduction in instalment payment for up to 24 months that will include an interest rate reduction for eligible borrowers who are in the B50 household category and were affected by loss of employment or faced a 50% income reduction.

This programme is in collaboration with the Credit Counselling and Management Agency (AKPK). AmBank customers may retrieve more information on URUS via

Dato’ Sulaiman added, “We are pleased to be part of URUS particularly given the fact that the focus is not just on financial relief. URUS is a holistic programme that importantly places emphasis on much needed financial planning assistance for borrowers to allow them take remedial steps as they work towards bettering their financial position. It is the right step in the sector’s journey towards providing sustainable long-term solutions for fiscal challenges.”

AmBank continues to offer its repayment assistance programme to affected individual customers, microenterprises as well as SMEs whose financial condition has been adversely affected by the pandemic, alongside URUS.

For customers who are not eligible for any of the abovementioned schemes or would require other forms of assistance, the Bank is also providing tailored repayment assistance, which suits the financial needs and circumstances of these customers, as part of its initiative to help alleviate the financial burden of customers in need.

For more information on the repayment assistance, we kindly urge our customers to visit

We would like to encourage our customers to utilise our digital banking platform, AmOnline for individuals and AmAccessBiz for SMEs. We will continue to serve our customers at branches and via our digital platforms as well as ATMs nationwide, which are available 24/7.

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