
AmInvest Launches Climate Technology Fund to Capitalise on Sustainability Theme

28 September 2021

AmInvest has introduced its second sustainable fund, Sustainable Series- Climate Tech Fund (“Fund”). It offers investors potential long-term capital growth by investing into global companies with solutions that mitigate climate change and its effects or help to adapt to it, via DWS Invest ESG Climate Tech (“Target Fund”). The Fund is a qualified Sustainable and Responsible Investment (“SRI”) fund.1

The Target Fund focuses on climate technology related companies that are likely to profit from rising climate commitments. The four areas that the Target Fund currently invests in are power generation, transport, real estate and agriculture sectors.

Power generation, transport and real estate areas encompass companies which are involved in mitigating climate change implications by moving away from fossil fuels, such as harnessing solar and wind technology, hybrid and electrical vehicles, and insulation materials. Agriculture sector involves companies that are providing solutions to adapt to the consequences of climate change through developments and research breakthroughs in areas like irrigation systems and livestock nutrition.

These four sectors traditionally have contributed to the highest greenhouse emissions, and companies that are involved in their solutions are expected to see annual double-digit Earnings Per Share (“EPS”) growth until year 2023. For example, green transport has forecasted its EPS to grow annually by 36%.2

Commenting on the launch, Dato’ Sulaiman Mohd Tahir, Group Chief Executive Officer of AmBank Group, said, “In line with AmBank Group’s commitment to sustainability across our businesses, this new offering is a qualified SRI fund.2

This is the second fund in our “Sustainable Series” as we have recently launched our Sustainable Series-Positive Change Fund. The Fund targets investors who view climate change as a key factor for future investments and expect rising opportunities that complement both returns and sustainability objectives.”

Ms. Goh Wee Peng, Chief Executive of AmInvest, said, “Through the Fund, investors can now capitalise on a diversified portfolio of global ESG-compliant companies that have optimum risk-return trade-offs. Since its inception in October 2018, the Target Fund has delivered returns of around 87.3%.3 AmInvest is delighted to partner with DWS, which has an impressive 65-year heritage of funds management experience with a head start in climate technology investment.”

The Fund’s base currency is United States Dollar (“USD”). It is being offered for subscription to sophisticated investors in USD and Ringgit Malaysia (“RM”) and in RM-Hedged classes at an initial offer price of USD1 and RM1 per unit respectively, during the initial offer period until 18 October 2021.

AmInvest is the funds management business under AmInvestment Bank. For more details on the Fund’s features and risks, please refer to the AmInvest Information Memorandum for Sustainable Series-Climate Tech Fund dated 28 September 2021 via

Notes and Sources:
1Qualified Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) fund under the Guidelines on SRI Funds by Securities Commission Malaysia.
2Based on earnings per share on a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) basis from year 2020 to year 2023. International Energy Agency (2020), Bloomberg Finance L.P., DWS Investment GmbH, 30 June 2021.
3Past performance figure is not indicative of future performance. Performance relates to Target Fund’s share class LC (in EUR). Calculation of performance is based on the time-weighted return and excludes front-end fees. Individual costs such as fees, commissions and other charges have not been included in this material and would have an adverse impact on returns if they were included. DWS International GmbH, 31 August 2021.

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