
AmInvest Launches Health Fund

30 June 2022

Thursday, 30 June 2022 - AmInvest has introduced its Sustainable Series – Health Fund (“Fund”), which is a long-term capital growth fund. The Fund will feed into Pictet - Health (“Target Fund”), which invests in global companies such as digital diagnostics providers, physiotherapy services and health insurers, capitalising on health megatrends as well as innovators improving the standard of healthcare.

Commenting on the launch, Dato’ Sulaiman Mohd Tahir, Group Chief Executive Officer of AmBank Group, said, “In line with AmBank Group’s transformational, long-term sustainability strategy, introducing our fourth fund in the “Sustainable Series” of funds is reflective of AmBank Group’s initiative to bring thematic offerings that focus on environmental and socially responsible investments. AmInvest has already launched three other Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) qualified funds1 under the Sustainable Series, namely Positive Change Fund, Climate Tech Fund and Nutrition Fund, with more funds slated to be launched in the pipeline. We believe that these sustainability-themed funds are very long-term in nature with the businesses whose securities they invest in driving meaningful impact to society.”

“We are seeing retail investors becoming more particular in what they invest in and wanting to align their personal values and beliefs on sustainability with their investment portfolio. From investing in personal care and home care to staying healthy through lifestyle changes, consumers are taking their health into their own hands. Scientific innovation and progress in medical research are leading to better and more efficient standards of care. Through investing in the Fund, healthcare companies are coming up with disruptive innovation such as cutting-edge robotics and interactive sports devices as potential investments in this frontier. AmInvest is excited to partner with Pictet Asset Management, which has been awarded the Best Thematic Provider by Asian Private Banker 2022 with USD69 billion in managing thematic assets, as of 30 April 20222,” added Ms. Goh Wee Peng, Chief Executive Officer of AmFunds Management Berhad.

There are several drivers that support the health megatrends. The demographic shifts in the ageing population will increase healthcare demand. Average life expectancy has increased steadily while fertility rates around the world have dropped. As wealth increases, there will be ensuing growth of health expenditure through the means of prevention, better therapies and better access to medicine.

The Fund’s base currency is United States Dollar (“USD”). It is being offered for subscription to sophisticated investors in USD, Ringgit Malaysia (“RM”) and in RM-Hedged classes at the initial offer prices of USD1 and RM1 per unit respectively during the initial offer period until 18 July 2022.

AmInvest is the brand name for the fund management business of AmFunds Management Berhad and AmIslamic Funds Management Sdn Bhd. For more details on the Fund’s features and risks, please refer to the AmInvest Information Memorandum for Sustainable Series – Health Fund dated 28 June 2022 via

Notes and Sources:
1 Qualified Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) fund under the Guidelines on SRI Funds issued by Securities Commission Malaysia.
2 Pictet Asset Management, 30 April 2022

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