
AmInvest Launches its Sixth Sustainable Responsible Investment (SRI) Fund

23 November 2022

Wednesday, 23 November 2022 - AmInvest announced the launch of the sixth Sustainable Responsible Investment (SRI) fund1 today. The Sustainable Series - Sustainable Outcomes Global Equity Fund (“Fund”) is introduced to cater to the growing interest of investors seeking Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) investment themes to contribute positively to the world’s sustainability challenges.

Investors of the Fund will be able to gain exposure to high quality companies across the world targeting positive sustainable outcomes and reap potential financial returns. The Fund seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing predominantly in Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) Sustainable Outcomes Global Equity (“Target Fund”). The Target Fund’s investment portfolio will focus on eight (8) sustainable themes based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”), which encompass a range of social and environmental outcomes.

Commenting on the launch, Dato’ Sulaiman Mohd Tahir, Group Chief Executive Officer of AmBank Group, said, “This sustainable series of funds is very much aligned with AmBank Group’s sustainability commitment across our businesses. The Target Fund’s investment philosophy draws on the United Nations SDGs, a framework that aims to catalyse the delivery of key sustainable development needs globally. We believe investments based on these themes such as poverty, inequalities and climate change can deliver not just meaningful impact for investors but solid financial returns.”

“Companies that seek solutions to meet these changing demands will enjoy superior growth, returns and wider competitive moats in the long term. Strong and improving ESG credentials are a key component of the quality of a company and its management. These companies are handpicked for their strong and sustainable competitive advantage to consistently deliver potential high returns on capital,” said Ms. Goh Wee Peng, Chief Executive Officer of AmFunds Management Berhad.

The Fund’s base currency is United States Dollar (“USD”). It is being offered for subscription to sophisticated investors in USD, Ringgit Malaysia (“RM”) and in RM-Hedged classes at the initial offer prices of USD1 and RM1 per unit respectively during the initial offer period until 13 December 2022.

AmInvest is the brand name for the fund management business of AmFunds Management Berhad and AmIslamic Funds Management Sdn Bhd. For more details on the Fund’s features and risks, please refer to the AmInvest Information Memorandum for Sustainable Series - Sustainable Outcomes Global Equity Fund dated 23 November 2022 via​.

Sources and Notes:
1 Qualified Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) fund under the Guidelines on SRI Funds issued by Securities Commission Malaysia.

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