Effective 1 January 2023, all Android users will need to update your devices’ Operating System (OS) to Android 10 and above in order to continue using AmOnline app.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I check and update my smartphone’s OS?
To check current OS version, go to Settings > About phone
To update OS, go to Settings > Software Update
What happen if I do not update my OS by the effective date?
You will no longer be able to use AmOnline app on your Android smartphone. As such, you are advised to update your OS to Android 10 and above to avoid any usage disruption.
Why is AmOnline app can only be accessed using Android 10 and above, after the enhancement?
Regular OS updates improve the app performance, stability and security of your smartphone. This is an important measure to keep your online banking experience safe and secure.
Meanwhile, if you are planning to upgrade your device, enjoy 0% interest when you purchase a new smartphone with
AmBank's Easy Payment Plan (EPP) from 1 July 2022 till 30 September 2022.
Click here to learn more about our limited time offer!