Mr Lum Sing Fai, a Malaysian, aged 60, was appointed to the Board of AmInvestment Bank Berhad on 15 January 2019 as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director. He is a Member of the Audit and Examination Committee of AmInvestment Bank.
Mr Lum started his career in Southern Bank Berhad from 1987 to 1994 working in various capacities from operations to corporate banking. He is currently the Deputy Group Managing Director of Amcorp Group Berhad where he has successfully led a broad range of financial service endeavours during his 24 years’ tenure in the company.
He has more than 30 years of experience in the financial sector, having previously served as a director of ECM Libra Financial Group Berhad and ECM Libra Investment Bank Berhad.
Mr Lum is currently a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of RCE Capital Berhad, a public listed company. He also sits on the boards of Amcorp Properties Berhad and private companies within Amcorp Group Berhad.
Mr Lum holds a Bachelor of Economics (Hons.) (Business Administration) from the University of Malaya.
Mr Lum has no shareholding in AmInvestment Bank.
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