Ms Chee Li Har, a Malaysian, aged 64, was appointed to the Board of AmInvestment Bank Berhad on 8 August 2018 as an Independent Non-Executive Director. She is a Member of the Audit and Examination Committee and Risk Management Committee of AmInvestment Bank.
Ms Chee is also the Chairman/Independent Non-Executive Director of AmIslamic Funds Management Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of AmInvestment Bank. AmIslamic Funds is an Islamic investment solutions provider and licensed fund manager approved by the Securities Commission Malaysia.
Ms Chee’s three decades of experience in international and Malaysian banking saw her overseeing bankgroup-wide balance sheet management where she led medium strategies to manage both interest rate and liquidity risks. In this role, Ms Chee guided the banks to maximise business opportunities, achieved net interest margin across all classes of assets and liabilities, cost revenue targets and at the same time, optimised interest rate and liquidity risk management.
While in her Global roles, Ms Chee successfully led international teams in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Brunei and even Mauritius to achieve at times, record breaking trading revenue targets. She was instrumental in managing post bank merger initiatives in Taiwan and Thailand.
Ms Chee is an avid artist and uses her creative energy to work with marginalised communities in Malaysia.
Ms Chee holds a Bachelor of Arts-Economics from University of Malaya and she has a Persatuan Kewangan Malaysia Certification (PKMC).
Ms Chee has no shareholding in AmInvestment Bank.
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