Being in the financial services industry, AmBank expects all employees to handle their personal finances prudently. You are expected to handle your personal finances responsibly, with integrity and in compliance with the law.
We do not encourage employees to participate in any personal financial transactions with fellow employees, customers or suppliers. You should also not borrow or lend money, act as a guarantor, co-signer or surety for customers, suppliers or other employees. Employees should only borrow money from licensed financial institutions in order to avoid any potential conflict of interest.
Financial records and filings
AmBank is required to submit regulatory reports to government agencies and comply to various tax and financial reporting guidelines as established by the Malaysian Accounting Standards Board.
We require all employees to maintain clear, truthful and accurate financial records. It is your duty to ensure that the reporting and filings are made in a timely manner and completed accurately.
Upholding financial integrity is important as our investors and stakeholders rely on us to provide accurate information so they can make the right decisions about our company.
You are obligated to report any violations of accounting, audit or internal control matters without fear of discrimination, retaliation, threats or harassment.
Expense management
Inaccurate expense claims poses a significant risk to our company and may impact our financial filings. All employees must ensure that the expenses declared are accurate and have gone through the appropriate review and approval process.
AmBank will not tolerate any fictitious or inflated business related claims such as the following:
Charging for items used for personal reasons (groceries, hotels, etc.)
Billing for travel and expenses that never materialized
Seeking reimbursement for items that were never purchased
Outright falsifying or manipulating receipts
Travel, meals and entertainment reimbursement that exceeds the allocated limit
Use inflated mileage totals when seeking reimbursement for auto travel
Employees who violate the stated guidelines will face relevant disciplinary proceedings.
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