Escrow Current Account (Non-Borrowing) & Escrow Current Account-i (Non- Financing) for SME Segment

Fees and ChargesAmount
Agent CommissionUp to 0.2% of contract value, minimum RM10,000
Handling Commission​Up to 0.15% flat per transaction amount, minimum RM50

Cash Management Solutions for SME Segment

Fees and ChargesAmount
Application Programming Interface setupUp to RM5,000 (one-time fee)
Manage File Transfer setup ​Up to RM5,000 (one-time fee)
Fees and ChargesAmount
a) VA creationUp to RM1 per account
b) VA Maintenance
  1. Monthly maintenance (fixed fee);
  2. Half-yearly maintenance; or
  3. Yearly maintenance.
Up to RM50 per month
Up to RM1 per account
Up to RM2 per account

E-Payment for Businesses

Interbank Funds Transfer (IFT)

e-AmBizAmAccess Corporate
Fees and Charges (RM per transaction)
Partnerships and SME1FOC2FOC2
Other Corporates
Daily Transaction Limit (RM per day)
Partnerships and SME1No LimitNo Limit
Other Corporates
Payment Reference
(i) Availability of payers' names and payment references in beneficiaries' bank statementYesYes
(ii) Availability of beneficiaries' names and payment references in payers' bank statementYesYes
Operating HoursInquiry | 24x7
Transaction | 7:30am - 5:00pm
Inquiry | 24 hours
Transaction | 24 hours
Crediting Time
(i) Monday - FridayImmediate
(ii) Non-Business daysNext business day
Refund TimeImmediate



1For manufacturing sector, sales turnover not exceeding RM50 mil or full-time employees not exceeding 200 workers; for services and other sectors, sales turnover not exceeding RM20 mil or full-time employees not exceeding 75 workers.

2Abbreviation for Free of Charge.

Interbank GIRO (IBG)



e-AmBiz / AmAccess Corporate

Fees and Charges (RM per transaction)
Partnerships and SME1Fee waived
(until 31 March 2026)
Other Corporates
Daily Transaction Limit (RM per day)
Partnerships and SME1RM1 million
Other Corporates
Payment Reference
(i) Availability of payers' names and payment references in beneficiaries' bank statementYes
(ii) Availability of beneficiaries' names and payment references in payers' bank statementYes
Future-dated PaymentsYes
Operating HoursInquiry | 24x7
Transaction | 7:30am - 5:00pm
Crediting Time
Payment Initiated by CustomersFunds Received by Beneficiaries
Business Days
Before 5:00am 
Same business day
By 11:00am
5:01am to 8:00amBy 2:00pm
8:01am to 11:00amBy 5:00pm
11:01am to 2:00pmBy 8.00pm
2:01pm to 5:00pmBy 11:00pm
After 5:00pmNext business dayBy 11:00am
​Future Dated Payments / Recurring Transactions​On effective date​By 11:00am
Non-Business Days
(Saturday, Sunday and Federal Territory Public Holidays)
Next business dayBy 11:00am
Refund Time
Payment Initiated by CustomersRefunds Received
Business Days
Before 5:00am 
Same business day
By 5:00pm
5:01am to 8:00amBy 8:20pm
8:01am to 11:00amBy 11:00pm
11:01am to 2:00pm 
Next Working day
By 11.00pm
2:01pm to 5:00pmBy 11:00pm
After 5:00pmBy 5:00pm
Non-Business Days
(Saturday, Sunday and Federal Territory Public Holidays)
By 11:00am



1For manufacturing sector, sales turnover not exceeding RM50 mil or full-time employees not exceeding 200 workers; for services and other sectors, sales turnover not exceeding RM20 mil or full-time employees not exceeding 75 workers.

2Abbreviation for Free of Charge.

3Any future dated/recurring transactions will be processed in Window 1 on the effective date.

4The Payee/Beneficiary ID provided by the Payer in IBG transaction is for the Beneficiary Bank validation purposes only.​​​​​


e-AmBiz / AmAccess Corporate
Fees and Charges (RM per transaction)
Partnerships and SME1RM2
Other Corporates
Payment Reference
(i) Availability of payers' names and payment references in beneficiaries' bank statementYes
(ii) Availability of beneficiaries' names and payment references in payers' bank statementYes
Operating HoursInquiry | 24x7
Transaction | 7:30am - 3:00pm
Crediting Time
(i) Monday - FridaySame day
(ii) Non-business daysNext day
Refund TimeNext day


1For manufacturing sector, sales turnover not exceeding RM50 mil or full-time employees not exceeding 200 workers; for services and other sectors, sales turnover not exceeding RM20 mil or full-time employees not exceeding 75 workers.

2Abbreviation for Free of Charge.

For comparison of e-payment services and fees, please refer to the comparative tables in Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), The Association of Banks in Malaysia (ABM), and The Association of Islamic Banking Institutions Malaysia (AIBIM).


e-AmBiz / AmAccess Corporate
Cable Charges
Partnerships and SME1Fee waived
(valid until 31 March 2026)
Other Corporates
Operating HoursInquiry | 24x7
Transaction | 7:30am - 3:30pm


1For manufacturing sector, sales turnover not exceeding RM50 mil or full-time employees not exceeding 200 workers; for services and other sectors, sales turnover not exceeding RM20 mil or full-time employees not exceeding 75 workers.

2Abbreviation for Free of Charge.

Other Related Charges

ItemsOther Related ChargesIncentives and Packages
Maintenance / Subscription FeeSecurity TokensAnnual Digital CertificatesSalary Payment / PayrollNotificationTraining
Fees and Charges
Partnership and SME1FOC2Free first three (3) tokens2
(Any additional token will be charged RM80 per unit)
N/A3RM0.10 per IBG transaction
FOC2 for IFT
  • Waived Monthly Subscription Fee
  • Free first three (3) token
Other CorporatesRefer to your AmBank Sales Representative


1For manufacturing sector, sales turnover not exceeding RM50 mil or full-time employees not exceeding 200 workers; for services and other sectors, sales turnover not exceeding RM20 mil or full-time employees not exceeding 75 workers.

2Abbreviation for Free of Charge

3Abbreviation for Non-Applicable

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