BizJamin Scheme


  • A company registered in Malaysia, is Malaysian-controlled and Malaysian-owned with at least 51% shareholding
  • Meet the SME Corporation Malaysia’s definition of an SME

Purpose of Financing:

Aggregate of RM15 million per SME group


  • Working Capital
  • Capital Expenditure

Type of Facility:

  • Term Loan
  • Overdraft
  • Letter of Credit or Trust Receipt
  • Bills Purchased
  • Bank Guarantee
  • Export Credit Refinancing (ECR)
  • Banker’s Acceptance
  • Shipping Guarantee
  • Hire Purchase
  • Leasing

Guarantee Coverage:

Secured portion - ranges between 30% to 90% guarantee coverage

Unsecured portion - ranges between 30% to 80% guarantee coverage

Guarantee Fee:

Secured portion - Starting from 0.5% to 3.20% per annum

Unsecured portion - Starting from 0.75% to 4.00% per annum

Flexi Guarantee Scheme (FGS)

CGC’s Flexi Guarantee Scheme (FGS) is a scheme for financing under BNM’s funds for SMEs, All Economics Sectors Facility (AES).


  • A company registered in Malaysia, is Malaysian-controlled and Malaysian-owned with at least 51% shareholding
  • Meet the SME Corporation Malaysia’s definition of an SME
  • Shareholding by Public Listed Companies and Government Linked Companies (if any) in the SMEs shall not exceed 20%

Maximum Loan Amount:

Aggregate of RM5 million per borrower group which includes:

  • Facilities approved under any BNM Funds
  • Any related companies with common shareholders unless the companies have different workforces

Purpose of Financing:

  • Working Capital
  • Capital Expenditure

Type of Facility:

  • Term Loan
  • Overdraft
  • Letter of Credit or Trust Receipt
  • Bills Purchased
  • Bank Guarantee
  • Export Credit Refinancing (ECR)
  • Banker’s Acceptance
  • Shipping Guarantee
  • Hire Purchase
  • Leasing

Guarantee Coverage:

Unsecured portion – ranges between 30% to 80% guarantee coverage

Secured portion - ranges between 30% to 90% guarantee coverage​​

Guarantee Fee:

Secured portion - Starting from 0.5% to 1.85% per annum

Unsecured portion - Starting from 0.8% to 2.15% per annum​​​

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