Product & Services
Let AmBank Islamic assists your business in our Shariah-compliant Treasury products and services.

Accepted Bills-i
A Bill of Exchange drawn to finance domestic & foreign trade

Bank Guarantee-i
An irrevocable obligation in the form of written undertaking of a Bank to pay an agreed sum

Over The Counter Bank Guarantee-i
Issued at customer's request to guarantee customer's obligation to their beneficiary

Letter of Credit-i
A written promise on behalf of a buyer

Inward Bills for Collection-i
The bank handles non-LC documents for the buyer

Shipping Guarantee-i
Shipping Guarantee-i is an indemnity document issued by the bank

Trust Receipt-i
To finance purchase of goods under domestic or international trade documents

Export Credit Refinancing-i
To promote exports of products utilizing local resources

Outward Bills for Collection-i
Bills received from customers to be submitted to the bank to obtain acceptance and payment

Outward Bills Purchased-i
Bills received from customers to be submitted to the bank to obtain acceptance and payment

Credit Bills Negotiation-i
Allows seller to obtain financing and receive immediate funds in exchange for sales document

Foreign Currency Trade Financing-i
A short term advance facility in foreign currency.

Invoice Financing-i
Supports RM and FCY trade transactions for goods/services under various payment terms

Involves selling receivables to AmBank Islamic for immediate cash or outsourcing collection

Standby Letter of Credit-i
Guarantees payment to a beneficiary upon default by the applicant