Let AmBank Islamic assists your business in our Shariah-compliant Treasury products and services.

Negotiable Islamic Debt Certificate
Based on the contract of Bai Bithaman Ajil

Islamic Negotiable Instrument
Introduced as new financial instruments for the Islamic banking industries

Government Investment Issue-i
Interest free bond issued by the Government of Malaysia

BNM Negotiable Notes-i
A short-term instrument issued by the Central Bank

Debt instruments issued to fund capital requirements

Sell and Buy Back Agreement
An Islamic financial instrument introduced for the purpose of enhancing liquidity

Treasury Bills-i
Issued by BNM on behalf of Government and traded on a discounted basis

Islamic Commercial Papers
Debt instruments issued by corporations to fund their working and capital requirements on short term, roll over basis

Islamic Acceptance Bills
Similar to Bankers Acceptance, formulated based the Shariah concept of Al-Murabahah and trade on Bai Al-Dayn

Commodity Murabahah Term Deposits
An Islamic deposit that is based on the Shariah concept of Murabahah